Consultare publică deschisă: “Către o Strategie de Dezvoltare Integrată a Zonelor Montane din România”

Pentru sprijinirea elaborării Strategiei de Dezvoltare Integrată pentru zonele montane din România, Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale organizează, cu sprijinul Băncii Mondiale, o consultare publică. Pentru a contribui la pregătirea strategiei, prin împărtășirea experiențelor și opiniilor dumneavoastră despre viața și munca la munte, puteți completa acest sondaj până pe 30 martie 2023: Mai multe detalii despre provocările și oportunitățile legate de dezvoltarea integrată a zonelor montane din România sunt disponibile aici: ⛰ Munții contează în România! 🇷🇴Citește articolul

Interviu telefonic la Radio România Antena Satelor cu Radu – Adrian Rey (vicepreședinte Eurmontana și președinte RoMontana), emisiunea Viața la Țară (cu Tatiana Mircea), 22 noiembrie 2022

Radu-Adrian Rey, vicepreședinte al Asociației Europene a Regiunilor Montane “EUROMONTANA” și președinte al Asociației Naționale pentru Dezvoltare Rurală Montană “ROMONTANA” a fost invitat de către Radio România Antena Satelor în cadrul emisiunii “Viața la țară” (realizată de doamna Tatiana Mircea) și pentru a discuta, pe scurt, despre programele de investiții ce au la bază Legea Muntelui, nevoia unei Strategii Integrate pentru Dezvoltarea Zonei Montane și politici adaptate care să vină cu sprijin concret și consistent pentru Carpații României. Trebuie tras un semnal de alarmă foarte serios privind dispariția doar în ultimii 10 ani a aproximativ 1 milion de exploatații agricole la nivel național (peste 25 %) așa cum ne arată datele statistice provizorii ale Recensământului General Agricol desfășurat în 2020-2021.… Citește articolul

Strengthening the capacities of the forest owners associations for sustainable forest management (2014 – 2017)

Project co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the enlarged European Union. Project partners: SAB Switzerland (, RoMontana (, Open Fields Foundation (, “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava ( and “Nostra Silva” – Federation of Forest and Pasture Owners from Romania ( Total budget: 478.072 CHF Implementation period: 2014 – 2017 Project’s goal: Contributions for an integrated and sustainable forest management in Romania by strengthening the capacity of the forest owners’ associations. Outcome 1: Participating Forest Owners Associations in the project area manage their forest in a sustainable manner. Outcome 2: “Nostra Silva” – the Federation of Forests and Pastures Owners from Romania has developed into a core player to advocate for the interests of its members.… Citește articolul

Sustainable Agriculture Models for the Romanian Mountain Area (2014 – 2016)

 “Sustainable Agriculture Models for the Romanian Mountain Area” Project co-funded by a grant of Switzerland through the Swiss Contribution to the Enlarged European Union, under the Swiss – Romanian Cooperation Programme. Project partners:  SAB Switzerland (, “Dorna” Mountain Farmers Federation (, Open Fields Foundation (Former HEIFER Romania –, RoMontana ( Overall budget: 1.512.349 CHF Implementation period: 2014 – 2016 Project’s goal: Developing agricultural models in the mountain area of Romania by integrating traditional activities into the modern economic system. Outcome 1: The production factors of the traditional production system are strengthened Pasture management improving measures are created Six modern sheepshelter models built and operational in the test areas Outcome 2: The market opportunities of traditional products are improved Product specification and technical assistance for 3 clusters of products are finalized Marketing study is developed Branding kit for mountain products developed and implemented Local, regional and national events to promote traditional products are realized Campaign for local products consumption is realised towards different target groups Outcome 3: The competences of producers to diversify and modernize their production are improved New Curricula for shepherds, sheepfoldmasters and farmer organisations developed and implemented.… Citește articolul

InRuTou – Innovation in Rural Tourism (2013 – 2015)

Implementation period: 2013 – 2015 Total budget: 533.307 EUR “Innovation in Rural Tourism – InRuTou” was a project implemented by RoMontana Association in partnership with IMC University of Applied Sciences from Krems (Austria), UNEP Vienna – Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention (Austria), EURAC – European Academy (Bolzano, Italy), SCIENTER (Italy), SEED (Switzerland), University of Bournemouth (UK), Ekopsychology (Poland) and Green Dossier (Ukraine). The project was funded by European Commission through a grant within the Lifelong Learning Programme. The project aimed for developing and testing a set of innovative tools and models to facilitate the sustainable development of rural tourism in mountain regions, by consulting target communities and training selected opinion leaders as multipliers in the community, becoming trainers for local tourism operators with varying degrees of experience and education, thus enhancing planning in the rural tourism.… Citește articolul

Greenovation Challenge: forming competences for innovation in sustainable development for youth (2014 – 2016)

          Implementation period: 2014 – 2016 Total budget: 174.178 EUR RoMontana Association together with Junior Achievement Romania and Ungt Entreprenørskap Sogn og Fjordane were  partners in “Greenovation Challenge: forming competences for innovation in sustainable development for youth”, a project coordinated by Junior Achievement Romania and implemented during 2014-2016. This bilateral Romania-Norway ecological education project, funded by EEA Grants 2009-2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania, involved over 50 teachers and 950 high school students from mountain areas. The Greenovation Challenge project aims to develop young people’s skills for innovation in sustainable development and provides a unique learning experience by: Development and testing during courses of a module of practical educational activities, learning by doing, on environmental issues (Eco-nomia module), conducted by teachers who benefited of free training and educational materials; Students’ participation in activities of civic culture and real community involvement by communicating with local authorities and competing with innovative solutions to the problems of sustainable development in mountain areas (the competition had several stages: local, national, international); Involving students in bilateral educational events where Romanian students will collaborate with those from Norway to generate solutions for the indentified concrete problems.… Citește articolul

Eco-Carpathians: Eco-Business Development in Border Carpathians as Chance for Better Economic Competitivenes (2013 – 2015)

Cross-border cooperation project “ECO-CARPATHIANS – Development of Eco-Business in the Carpathian Border, A Chance for Better Economic Competitiveness”, MIS ETC 1603, was: – realized by the Municipal Public Association “Business Center” (Cernăuţi), – in collaboration with: Association for Economic and Regional Development – ADER (Suceava, Romania), National Association for Rural Rural Development “ROMONTANA” (Vatra Dornei, Romania) and International Small and Medium Business Association “Small Euro Business” (Balti, Republic of Moldova). The project was run during the period 2013-2015 under the Joint Operational Program “Romania – Ukraine – Republic of Moldova 2007-2013” (the EU grant under the ECO-CARPATI – Eco-Business Development in the Carpathian Border, a chance for better economic competitiveness “, MIS code ETC 1603, and represents EUR 715,510.25, equivalent in hryvnia – 7.866.605,89).… Citește articolul

The utilisation of mountain wood and the organisation of mountain wood industries (2011 – 2012)

Project implemented by Euromontana (Association of Mountainous Regions in Europe) and funded by the French Ministry of Agriculture, finalized in April 2012. The main objective of the project was to identify and analyze positive and sustainable practices in wood extraction and use and organizing (formal forestry, federation, unions, associations, or informal) forest supply chains in the areas (from raw material to finished products), in European mountain forests, with sufficient harvesting potential. Romontana supported the project by identifying and collecting examples of good practices in Romania. The Study can be downloaded here (clik). pdf-iconCitește articolul